When you are getting organized for your case and starting to gather information, make sure that you collect all the documents below. This will be a good starting point and will be helpful for your legal counsel as well as your Certified Divorce Financial Analyst®. If you have trouble finding any of these documents, ask your CDFA® for help, or talk to your attorney about getting a subpoena for documents that you cannot access.
o 3 years of tax returns with all supporting schedules and W-2s.
o Most recent pay stubs for each party.
o Last 3 statements from all financial accounts (bank accounts, investment accounts, mutual funds, etc.).
o Last 3 statements from any employee retirement plans, pensions, deferred compensation plans, IRA’s and annuities.
o You will also need to request the Summary Plan Description for any employee retirement plan or pension. This may be available online or you will need to request it from HR.
o Last 3 statements from any and all credit cards.
o Policy statements or information on any and all Life Insurance, Disability Insurance and Long-Term Care Insurance.
o All information relating to loans and mortgage (most recent statement including your payment, current balance, interest rate, etc.).
o Most recent statement on any Employee Stock Option, Employee Stock Purchase Plan, or Restricted Stock accounts.
If you get overwhelmed or need help, feel free to give us a call and we can help!