One way to ensure that we are serving our clients to the best of our abilities is to gather information that forms the most complete picture of your financial situation. The trust that our clients put in us, allows us to serve them better, which is why all of the information that you send us will remain secure and confidential. We have made our Data Gathering Packet available for you on the resource page of our website, and in this article we’ll dive into what you can expect to see in that packet.
Document Checklist
The Document Checklist outlines all of the documents that we will ask you to provide us in addition to the rest of the worksheets in this packet. This checklist is all encompassing, so you may see documents that are not relevant for you. Those documents include items such as copies of Financial Affidavits, recent tax returns, pay stubs, account statements, credit card statements, policy statements, and loan or mortgage statements.
Confidential Client Cash Flow Statement
The Confidential Client Cash Flow Statement makes up the rest of the packet, and includes subsections for the following:
- Basic Household Information: In this section, you and your spouse will enter your names, contact information, date of birth/marriage/separation, and employment information. You will also provide information for your child(ren) if applicable.
- Assets Worksheet: In this section, you will provide information on your assets such as real estate properties, vehicles, personal assets, business assets, accounts (bank, investment, and retirement), pension, and life insurance.
- Liabilities Worksheet: Just as it sounds, in this section you will provide information about liabilities such as your mortgage(s), loans, credit card debt, and more.
- Income Worksheet: The income worksheet will ask you to provide the source, amount, and frequency of your income stream(s).
- Expenses Worksheet: Finally, the expenses worksheet will not only help us gain a fuller picture of your financial situation, but it will also give you insight into where your money goes each day/week/month/year. Expenses are divided into categories for home, food, transportation, personal, child-related, insurance, education, medical, and miscellaneous.
Providing this information is one of the first steps of working with us, and we appreciate all of the information you can include. If you want to get started on the full packet, head to our resource page to access the document. If you have any questions, either about why we need certain information or how you can obtain the documents we ask for, don’t hesitate to reach out.