If your case is going the litigation route, you may want to consider having a Personal Financial Advocate on your team. As your advocate, we help you organize your information, provide projections so you understand the long-term implications of any settlement offer and provide your attorney with financial data so they may negotiate or litigate from a position of strength. We can also appear as an expert witness, helping the court understand the complexities of your case. But what does the process look like?
1. Initial Consultation
• We get to know you and your situation. We will provide an explanation of how we may be able to help with your case and will provide you with our flat fee agreement, data gathering tools and other resources.
2. Data Gathering
• Now it’s your turn to start collecting the financial information necessary for your case. If you have already done this with your attorney, then we can coordinate with them to get your Financial Affidavit, copies of depositions and subpoenaed information.
3. 1:1 Meetings and Coaching
• Once we have all of the facts for your case, we will work with you to have as many calls or meetings as it takes for you to feel confident that you understand all aspects of your case and know what different settlement offers would mean for your future.
• These meetings may also include coordinating with your legal team to provide them with strategy and ideas for possible settlements. We may also be running calculations for your legal team such as pension valuations, separate property tracing (also known as “passive growth analysis”), stock option valuations and buy-out options.
4. Court Date
• Typically, most cases end up settling outside of court. But if your case is going to go in front of a judge, you may need us to testify as an Expert Witness for your case. Your attorney will be able to provide insight as to whether or not it will be necessary for your situation.
5. Post-Divorce Transition
• Once your case is finalized, there is still work to be done to actually divide your accounts and assets. We can help facilitate this process and ensure you are comfortable with each step along the way.
• If you want further support in financial planning, including retirement planning, investing, tax strategy, insurance, etc., we are also able to provide that through our financial planning company, Feldmeyer Financial Group.
The court system can be an intimidating process, so having as strong a team as possible can help you to feel confident every step of the way. We will make sure you are not agreeing to a settlement that you will look back at and think, “What was I thinking?!” If you want to discuss adding us to your team, give us a call today to schedule your confidential initial consultation.