Financial infidelity is not often discussed, but is a very real problem in many relationships. We tend to think of infidelity as a partner cheating on another. However, the definition of infidelity is “the action or state of being unfaithful to a spouse or other partner”. Financial infidelity occurs when couples with combined finances lie…

The divorce process can be lengthy and costly. However, there are ways to reduce expenses and time spent. When evaluating your options during this process, keep these ideas in mind so you aren’t surprised by your bill and time invested once all is said and done. 1. Consider alternative dispute resolution options. There are several…

Throughout the years, we have been involved in a wide variety of cases ranging in complexity. While no two situations are alike, there are several similarities in the cases we are most likely to be involved with. If any of these resonate with you, having a financial professional as a part of your team would…

You may be familiar with the idea of including a financial neutral as part of your divorce team if you are considering mediation or collaborative divorce. However, not every mediation or collaborative divorce necessitates having a financial neutral involved in the case. So, when do you need a financial neutral? 1. You have a complex…

One of the first things we tell couples when meeting with us is that they need to determine what process they want to use to reach a settlement. There are several options available such as “pro-se” (which is a term for “do-it-yourself”), mediation, collaborative divorce, or litigation. When evaluating options, we encourage people to strongly…

Agreeing to a divorce settlement can be overwhelming, especially when you read through the legal jargon incorporated in your decree. There is some standard language you may see that clients commonly have questions about. One of the most asked questions has to do with the phrase “plus or minus gains and losses.” It is very…

Collaborative Divorce is a process in which parties agree to settle without resorting to litigation. There are several aspects of collaborative divorce that make it unique from the traditional process that most people are familiar with. The biggest advantage is it can be a much healthier, cost effective, and efficient way to resolve your case….

The most frequent question we get from clients is, “Is this a fair settlement offer?”. This is a complicated question and differs depending on every situation. There is no one size fits all answer for a variety of reasons. First, fair is a relative term. If you want a split of the assets that is…

There are several things to consider when you are contemplating divorce and you do not have any minor children. Whether you did not have any children during your marriage, or your children are all grown, your divorce process will be different. Let’s take a look at the top 5 things to know about divorcing without…

You have finally made it to the other side. The paperwork has been finalized, and now it is time to get all the assets and accounts divided so you can move on with your new life. But as money starts to get moved from account to account, there is a common concern about whether the…

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