Divorce can be a difficult process for anyone, but it can feel especially intimidating for stay-at-home parents. There are important factors for both parties to consider during a divorce in a one-income household, but in this article we will focus on those factors that are particularly relevant for spouses who have not historically contributed to…

Some divorce settlements can be simpler than others to negotiate. Sometimes ownership of certain accounts or assets can provide more complexity and may require help when discussing possibilities for dividing your financials. One of those more difficult aspects is the division of rental properties. If you and your spouse obtained any rental properties during your…

One worry shared by many people entering into a divorce is the question of whether their spouse will take everything in the settlement or whether dividing their assets and debts will be a major financial setback. While there are certain strategies to consider to avoid this outcome, such as working with financial professionals and settling…

One way to ensure that we are serving our clients to the best of our abilities is to gather information that forms the most complete picture of your financial situation. The trust that our clients put in us, allows us to serve them better, which is why all of the information that you send us…

It is not uncommon for couples to reach an impasse in divorce settlement negotiations. Even if you and your spouse are on good terms at the point of negotiations, there are bound to be disagreements and even moments when it feels like you cannot move forward with both parties on board. Luckily, there are strategies…

How To Ensure a Fair Settlement in Your Divorce Divorce can be stressful for a number of reasons, one of which is the worry that you may have nothing left at the end of it. For this reason, a major concern for most people going through a divorce is how to ensure a fair settlement….

When people hear about division of assets or finances in a divorce, one of the first things that might come to mind is a 50/50 split down the middle. While this works in some instances, there are other ways to divide assets that might make more sense in certain cases. Today we will discuss the…

In an earlier blog post, we discussed ways that you and your spouse could divide your assets in a divorce, and the circumstances that factor into that decision. When it comes to dividing your assets, you might assume that everything will be split evenly between you and your spouse. When discussing how to divide your…

Divorce can look quite different depending on the age of your children (or if you have children at all). In a prior blog post, we discussed some of the factors you need to consider if you are going through a divorce without minor children, but there are specific circumstances to plan for if you are…

Every couple has a unique set of circumstances going into a divorce, and if you have kids, their age will likely affect your divorce process. In the past, we’ve discussed what you need to know if you are divorcing without minor children, but what are the specific things you need to consider if your children…

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